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Creative community.
The Forefront Artist Network is a central online space for Christian art creators and enthusiasts to connect.

Find your next collaborator.
The Forefront search system allows you to easily find the artists you’re looking for. Search the entire member database by city, skill set, and more.

Secure communication.
It’s easy to send private messages to other members of the network. Whether you’re recruiting for a position or just asking for advice, secure communication is just a click away.

Exclusive content.
Members of the Forefront Artist Network get free and exclusive access to videos from past Forefront events. Watch insightful talks and amazing performances from fellow Christian artists.

Register Now

This community is intended for anyone who follows Jesus Christ and wants to glorify Him with the arts. We define β€œart” broadly. Your art could be written, audio, visual, physical, etc. Follow the simple form below to register. We look forward to connecting with you!

Privacy Policy: after you register, you will be able to edit your profile. Information that you put in your profile will be visible only to members of the Forefront network. On your Account page you always have the ability to hide your profile from the network, control who can send you private messages, and control whether you receive email notifications/updates. We will never share your email address or other personal information without your consent.